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CLI Reference

This guide provides an overview of the Wasp CLI commands, arguments, and options.


Once installed, you can use the wasp command from your command line.

If you run the wasp command without any arguments, it will show you a list of available commands and their descriptions:

wasp <command> [command-args]

new [<name>] [args] Creates a new Wasp project. Run it without arguments for interactive mode.
-t|--template <template-name>
Check out the templates list here:

new:ai <app-name> <app-description> [<config-json>]
Uses AI to create a new Wasp project just based on the app name and the description.
You can do the same thing with `wasp new` interactively.
Run `wasp new:ai` for more info.

version Prints current version of CLI.
waspls Run Wasp Language Server. Add --help to get more info.
completion Prints help on bash completion.
uninstall Removes Wasp from your system.
start Runs Wasp app in development mode, watching for file changes.
start db Starts managed development database for you.
db <db-cmd> [args] Executes a database command. Run 'wasp db' for more info.
clean Deletes all generated code, all cached artifacts, and the node_modules dir.
Wasp equivalent of 'have you tried closing and opening it again?'.
build Generates full web app code, ready for deployment. Use when deploying or ejecting.
deploy Deploys your Wasp app to cloud hosting providers.
telemetry Prints telemetry status.
deps Prints the dependencies that Wasp uses in your project.
dockerfile Prints the contents of the Wasp generated Dockerfile.
info Prints basic information about the current Wasp project.
test Executes tests in your project.
studio (experimental) GUI for inspecting your Wasp app.

wasp new MyApp
wasp start
wasp db migrate-dev

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Creating a New Project

  • Use wasp new to start the interactive mode for setting up a new Wasp project.

    This will prompt you to input the project name and to select a template. The chosen template will then be used to generate the project directory with the specified name.

    $ wasp new
    Enter the project name (e.g. my-project) ▸ MyFirstProject
    Choose a starter template
    [1] basic (default)
    Simple starter template with a single page.
    [2] todo-ts
    Simple but well-rounded Wasp app implemented with Typescript & full-stack type safety.
    [3] saas
    Everything a SaaS needs! Comes with Auth, ChatGPT API, Tailwind, Stripe payments and more. Check out for more details.
    [4] embeddings
    Comes with code for generating vector embeddings and performing vector similarity search.
    [5] ai-generated
    🤖 Describe an app in a couple of sentences and have Wasp AI generate initial code for you. (experimental)
    ▸ 1

    🐝 --- Creating your project from the "basic" template... -------------------------

    Created new Wasp app in ./MyFirstProject directory!

    To run your new app, do:
    cd MyFirstProject
    wasp db start
  • To skip the interactive mode and create a new Wasp project with the default template, use wasp new <project-name>.

    $ wasp new MyFirstProject
    🐝 --- Creating your project from the "basic" template... -------------------------

    Created new Wasp app in ./MyFirstProject directory!

    To run your new app, do:
    cd MyFirstProject
    wasp db start

Project Commands

  • wasp start launches the Wasp app in development mode. It automatically opens a browser tab with your application running and watches for any changes to .wasp or files in src/ to automatically reflect in the browser. It also shows messages from the web app, the server and the database on stdout/stderr.

  • wasp start db starts the database for you. This can be very handy since you don't need to spin up your own database or provide its connection URL to the Wasp app.

  • wasp clean removes all generated code and other cached artifacts. If using SQlite, it also deletes the SQlite database. Think of this as the Wasp version of the classic "turn it off and on again" solution.

    $ wasp clean

    🐝 --- Deleting the .wasp/ directory... -------------------------------------------

    ✅ --- Deleted the .wasp/ directory. ----------------------------------------------

    🐝 --- Deleting the node_modules/ directory... ------------------------------------

    ✅ --- Deleted the node_modules/ directory. ---------------------------------------
  • wasp build generates the complete web app code, which is ready for deployment. Use this command when you're deploying or ejecting. The generated code is stored in the .wasp/build folder.

  • wasp deploy makes it easy to get your app hosted on the web.

    Currently, Wasp offers support for If you prefer a different hosting provider, feel free to let us know on Discord or submit a PR by updating this TypeScript app.

    Read more about automatic deployment here.

  • wasp telemetry displays the status of telemetry.

    $ wasp telemetry

    Telemetry is currently: ENABLED
    Telemetry cache directory: /home/user/.cache/wasp/telemetry/
    Last time telemetry data was sent for this project: 2021-05-27 09:21:16.79537226 UTC
    Our telemetry is anonymized and very limited in its scope: check for more details.

  • wasp deps lists the dependencies that Wasp uses in your project.

  • wasp info provides basic details about the current Wasp project.

  • wasp studio shows you an graphical overview of your application in a graph: pages, queries, actions, data model etc.

Database Commands

Wasp provides a suite of commands for managing the database. These commands all begin with db and primarily execute Prisma commands behind the scenes.

  • wasp db migrate-dev synchronizes the development database with the current state of the schema (entities). If there are any changes in the schema, it generates a new migration and applies any pending migrations to the database.

    • The --name foo option allows you to specify a name for the migration, while the --create-only option lets you create an empty migration without applying it.
  • wasp db studio opens the GUI for inspecting your database.

using prisma CLI directly

Although Wasp uses the schema.prisma file to define the database schema, you must not use the prisma command directly. Instead, use the wasp db commands.

Wasp adds some additional functionality on top of Prisma, and using prisma commands directly can lead to unexpected behavior e.g. missing auth models, incorrect database setup, etc.

Bash Completion

To set up Bash completion, run the wasp completion command and follow the instructions.

Miscellaneous Commands

  • wasp version displays the current version of the CLI.

    $ wasp version


    If you wish to install/switch to the latest version of Wasp, do:
    curl -sSL | sh -s

    If you want specific x.y.z version of Wasp, do:
    curl -sSL | sh -s -- -v x.y.z

    Check for the list of valid versions, including the latest one.
  • wasp uninstall removes Wasp from your system.

    $ wasp uninstall

    🐝 --- Uninstalling Wasp ... ------------------------------------------------------

    We will remove the following directories:

    We will also remove the following files:

    Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]

    ✅ --- Uninstalled Wasp -----------------------------------------------------------