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Version: 0.15.0


Wasp supports Discord Authentication out of the box.

Letting your users log in using their Discord accounts turns the signup process into a breeze.

Let's walk through enabling Discord Authentication, explain some of the default settings, and show how to override them.

Setting up Discord Auth

Enabling Discord Authentication comes down to a series of steps:

  1. Enabling Discord authentication in the Wasp file.
  2. Adding the User entity.
  3. Creating a Discord App.
  4. Adding the necessary Routes and Pages
  5. Using Auth UI components in our Pages.

Here's a skeleton of how our main.wasp should look like after we're done:

// Configuring the social authentication
app myApp {
auth: { ... }

// Defining routes and pages
route LoginRoute { ... }
page LoginPage { ... }

1. Adding Discord Auth to Your Wasp File

Let's start by properly configuring the Auth object:

app myApp {
wasp: {
version: "^0.15.0"
title: "My App",
auth: {
// 1. Specify the User entity (we'll define it next)
userEntity: User,
methods: {
// 2. Enable Discord Auth
discord: {}
onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login"

2. Add the User Entity

Let's now define the app.auth.userEntity entity in the schema.prisma file:

// 3. Define the user entity
model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
// Add your own fields below
// ...

3. Creating a Discord App

To use Discord as an authentication method, you'll first need to create a Discord App and provide Wasp with your client key and secret. Here's how you do it:

  1. Log into your Discord account and navigate to:
  2. Select New Application.
  3. Supply required information.
Discord Applications Screenshot
  1. Go to the OAuth2 tab on the sidebar and click Add Redirect
  • For development, put: http://localhost:3001/auth/discord/callback.
  • Once you know on which URL your API server will be deployed, you can create a new app with that URL instead e.g.
  1. Hit Save Changes.
  2. Hit Reset Secret.
  3. Copy your Client ID and Client secret as you'll need them in the next step.

4. Adding Environment Variables

Add these environment variables to the .env.server file at the root of your project (take their values from the previous step):


5. Adding the Necessary Routes and Pages

Let's define the necessary authentication Routes and Pages.

Add the following code to your main.wasp file:

// ...

route LoginRoute { path: "/login", to: LoginPage }
page LoginPage {
component: import { Login } from "@src/pages/auth.jsx"

We'll define the React components for these pages in the src/pages/auth.tsx file below.

6. Creating the Client Pages


We are using Tailwind CSS to style the pages. Read more about how to add it here.

Let's create a auth.tsx file in the src/pages folder and add the following to it:

import { LoginForm } from 'wasp/client/auth'

export function Login() {
return (
<LoginForm />

// A layout component to center the content
export function Layout({ children }) {
return (
<div className="h-full w-full bg-white">
<div className="flex min-h-[75vh] min-w-full items-center justify-center">
<div className="h-full w-full max-w-sm bg-white p-5">

We imported the generated Auth UI components and used them in our pages. Read more about the Auth UI components here.


Yay, we've successfully set up Discord Auth! 🎉

Discord Auth

Running wasp db migrate-dev and wasp start should now give you a working app with authentication. To see how to protect specific pages (i.e., hide them from non-authenticated users), read the docs on using auth.

Default Behaviour

Add discord: {} to the auth.methods dictionary to use it with default settings.

app myApp {
wasp: {
version: "^0.15.0"
title: "My App",
auth: {
userEntity: User,
methods: {
discord: {}
onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login"

When a user signs in for the first time, Wasp creates a new user account and links it to the chosen auth provider account for future logins.


By default, Wasp doesn't store any information it receives from the social login provider. It only stores the user's ID specific to the provider.

There are two mechanisms used for overriding the default behavior:

  • userSignupFields
  • configFn

Let's explore them in more detail.

Data Received From Discord

We are using Discord's API and its /users/@me endpoint to get the user data.

The data we receive from Discord on the /users/@me endpoint looks something like this:

"id": "80351110224678912",
"username": "Nelly",
"discriminator": "1337",
"avatar": "8342729096ea3675442027381ff50dfe",
"verified": true,
"flags": 64,
"banner": "06c16474723fe537c283b8efa61a30c8",
"accent_color": 16711680,
"premium_type": 1,
"public_flags": 64,
"avatar_decoration_data": {
"sku_id": "1144058844004233369",
"asset": "a_fed43ab12698df65902ba06727e20c0e"

The fields you receive will depend on the scopes you requested. The default scope is set to identify only. If you want to get the email, you need to specify the email scope in the configFn function.

For an up to date info about the data received from Discord, please refer to the Discord API documentation.

Using the Data Received From Discord

When a user logs in using a social login provider, the backend receives some data about the user. Wasp lets you access this data inside the userSignupFields getters.

For example, the User entity can include a displayName field which you can set based on the details received from the provider.

Wasp also lets you customize the configuration of the providers' settings using the configFn function.

Let's use this example to show both fields in action:

app myApp {
wasp: {
version: "^0.15.0"
title: "My App",
auth: {
userEntity: User,
methods: {
discord: {
configFn: import { getConfig } from "@src/auth/discord.js",
userSignupFields: import { userSignupFields } from "@src/auth/discord.js"
onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login"
model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
username String @unique
displayName String

// ...
export const userSignupFields = {
username: (data) => data.profile.global_name,
avatarUrl: (data) => data.profile.avatar,

export function getConfig() {
return {
scopes: ['identify'],

Using Auth

To read more about how to set up the logout button and get access to the logged-in user in both client and server code, read the docs on using auth.

When you receive the user object on the client or the server, you'll be able to access the user's Discord ID like this:

const discordIdentity = user.identities.discord

// Discord User ID for example "80351110224678912"

Read more about accessing the user data in the Accessing User Data section of the docs.

API Reference

Provider-specific behavior comes down to implementing two functions.

  • configFn
  • userSignupFields

The reference shows how to define both.

For behavior common to all providers, check the general API Reference.

app myApp {
wasp: {
version: "^0.15.0"
title: "My App",
auth: {
userEntity: User,
methods: {
discord: {
configFn: import { getConfig } from "@src/auth/discord.js",
userSignupFields: import { userSignupFields } from "@src/auth/discord.js"
onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login"

The discord dict has the following properties:

  • configFn: ExtImport

    This function should return an object with the scopes for the OAuth provider.

    export function getConfig() {
    return {
    scopes: [],
  • userSignupFields: ExtImport

    userSignupFields defines all the extra fields that need to be set on the User during the sign-up process. For example, if you have address and phone fields on your User entity, you can set them by defining the userSignupFields like this:

    import { defineUserSignupFields } from 'wasp/server/auth'

    export const userSignupFields = defineUserSignupFields({
    address: (data) => {
    if (!data.address) {
    throw new Error('Address is required')
    return data.address
    phone: (data) =>,

    Read more about the userSignupFields function here.