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Version: 0.15.0

Custom HTTP API Endpoints

In Wasp, the default client-server interaction mechanism is through Operations. However, if you need a specific URL method/path, or a specific response, Operations may not be suitable for you. For these cases, you can use an api. Best of all, they should look and feel very familiar.

How to Create an API

APIs are used to tie a JS function to a certain endpoint e.g. POST /something/special. They are distinct from Operations and have no client-side helpers (like useQuery).

To create a Wasp API, you must:

  1. Declare the API in Wasp using the api declaration
  2. Define the API's NodeJS implementation

After completing these two steps, you'll be able to call the API from the client code (via our Axios wrapper), or from the outside world.

Declaring the API in Wasp

First, we need to declare the API in the Wasp file and you can easily do this with the api declaration:

// ...

api fooBar { // APIs and their implementations don't need to (but can) have the same name.
fn: import { fooBar } from "@src/apis",
httpRoute: (GET, "/foo/bar")

Read more about the supported fields in the API Reference.

Defining the API's NodeJS Implementation

After you defined the API, it should be implemented as a NodeJS function that takes three arguments:

  1. req: Express Request object
  2. res: Express Response object
  3. context: An additional context object injected into the API by Wasp. This object contains user session information, as well as information about entities. The examples here won't use the context for simplicity purposes. You can read more about it in the section about using entities in APIs.
export const fooBar = (req, res, context) => {
res.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // Example of modifying headers to override Wasp default CORS middleware.
res.json({ msg: `Hello, ${context.user ? "registered user" : "stranger"}!` });

Using the API

Using the API externally

To use the API externally, you simply call the endpoint using the method and path you used.

For example, if your app is running at then from the above you could issue a GET to https://example/com/foo/callback (in your browser, Postman, curl, another web service, etc.).

Using the API from the Client

To use the API from your client, including with auth support, you can import the Axios wrapper from wasp/client/api and invoke a call. For example:

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { api } from "wasp/client/api";

async function fetchCustomRoute() {
const res = await api.get("/foo/bar");

export const Foo = () => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);

return <>// ...</>;

Making Sure CORS Works

APIs are designed to be as flexible as possible, hence they don't utilize the default middleware like Operations do. As a result, to use these APIs on the client side, you must ensure that CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is enabled.

You can do this by defining custom middleware for your APIs in the Wasp file.

For example, an apiNamespace is a simple declaration used to apply some middlewareConfigFn to all APIs under some specific path:

apiNamespace fooBar {
middlewareConfigFn: import { fooBarNamespaceMiddlewareFn } from "@src/apis",
path: "/foo"

And then in the implementation file:

export const apiMiddleware = (config) => {
return config;

We are returning the default middleware which enables CORS for all APIs under the /foo path.

For more information about middleware configuration, please see: Middleware Configuration

Using Entities in APIs

In many cases, resources used in APIs will be Entities. To use an Entity in your API, add it to the api declaration in Wasp:

api fooBar {
fn: import { fooBar } from "@src/apis",
entities: [Task],
httpRoute: (GET, "/foo/bar")

Wasp will inject the specified Entity into the APIs context argument, giving you access to the Entity's Prisma API:

export const fooBar = (req, res, context) => {
res.json({ count: await context.entities.Task.count() });

The object context.entities.Task exposes prisma.task from Prisma's CRUD API.

API Reference

api fooBar {
fn: import { fooBar } from "@src/apis",
httpRoute: (GET, "/foo/bar"),
entities: [Task],
auth: true,
middlewareConfigFn: import { apiMiddleware } from "@src/apis"

The api declaration has the following fields:

  • fn: ExtImport required

    The import statement of the APIs NodeJs implementation.

  • httpRoute: (HttpMethod, string) required

    The HTTP (method, path) pair, where the method can be one of:

    • and path is an Express path string.
  • entities: [Entity]

    A list of entities you wish to use inside your API. You can read more about it here.

  • auth: bool

    If auth is enabled, this will default to true and provide a context.user object. If you do not wish to attempt to parse the JWT in the Authorization Header, you should set this to false.

  • middlewareConfigFn: ExtImport

    The import statement to an Express middleware config function for this API. See more in middleware section of the docs.