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Version: 0.14.0

Accessing User Data

First, we'll check out the most practical info: how to access the user's data in your app.

Then, we'll dive into the details of the auth entities that Wasp creates behind the scenes to store the user's data. For auth each method, Wasp needs to store different information about the user. For example, username for Username & password auth, email verification status for Email auth, and so on.

We'll also show you how you can use these entities to create a custom signup action.

Accessing the Auth Fields

When you receive the user object on the client or the server, it will contain all the user fields you defined in the User entity in the schema.prisma file. In addition to that, it will also contain all the auth-related fields that Wasp stores. This includes things like the username or the email verification status. In Wasp, this data is called the AuthUser object.

AuthUser Object Fields

All the User fields you defined will be present at the top level of the AuthUser object. The auth-related fields will be on the identities object. For each auth method you enable, there will be a separate data object in the identities object.

The AuthUser object will change depending on which auth method you have enabled in the Wasp file. For example, if you enabled the email auth and Google auth, it would look something like this:

If the user has only the Google identity, the AuthUser object will look like this:

const user = {
// User data
id: 'cluqs9qyh00007cn73apj4hp7',
address: 'Some address',

// Auth methods specific data
identities: {
email: null,
google: {
id: '1117XXXX1301972049448',

In the examples above, you can see the identities object contains the email and google objects. The email object contains the email-related data and the google object contains the Google-related data.

Make sure to check if the data exists

Before accessing some auth method's data, you'll need to check if that data exists for the user and then access it:

if ( !== null) {
const userId =
// ...

You need to do this because if a user didn't sign up with some auth method, the data for that auth method will be null.

Let's look at the data for each of the available auth methods:

  • Username & password data

    const usernameIdentity = user.identities.username

    // Username that the user used to sign up, e.g. "fluffyllama"
  • Email data

    const emailIdentity =

    // Email address the the user used to sign up, e.g. "".

    // `true` if the user has verified their email address.

    // Datetime when the email verification email was sent.

    // Datetime when the last password reset email was sent.
  • Google data

    const googleIdentity =

    // Google User ID for example "123456789012345678901"
  • GitHub data

    const githubIdentity = user.identities.github

    // GitHub User ID for example "12345678"
  • Keycloak data

    const keycloakIdentity = user.identities.keycloak

    // Keycloak User ID for example "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
  • Discord data

    const discordIdentity = user.identities.discord

    // Discord User ID for example "80351110224678912"

If you support multiple auth methods, you'll need to find which identity exists for the user and then access its data:

if ( !== null) {
const email =
// ...
} else if ( !== null) {
const googleId =
// ...

getFirstProviderUserId Helper

The getFirstProviderUserId method returns the first user ID that it finds for the user. For example if the user has signed up with email, it will return the email. If the user has signed up with Google, it will return the Google ID.

This can be useful if you support multiple authentication methods and you need any ID that identifies the user in your app.

const MainPage = ({ user }) => {
const userId = user.getFirstProviderUserId()
// ...
export const createTask = async (args, context) => {
const userId = context.user.getFirstProviderUserId()
// ...

* Multiple identities per user will be possible in the future and then the getFirstProviderUserId method will return the ID of the first identity that it finds without any guarantees about which one it will be.

Including the User with Other Entities

Sometimes, you might want to include the user's data when fetching other entities. For example, you might want to include the user's data with the tasks they have created.

We'll mention the auth and the identities relations which we will explain in more detail later in the Entities Explained section.

Be careful about sensitive data

You'll need to include the auth and the identities relations to get the full auth data about the user. However, you should keep in mind that the providerData field in the identities can contain sensitive data like the user's hashed password (in case of email or username auth), so you will likely want to exclude it if you are returning those values to the client.

You can include the full user's data with other entities using the include option in the Prisma queries:

export const getAllTasks = async (args, context) => {
return context.entities.Task.findMany({
orderBy: { id: 'desc' },
select: {
id: true,
title: true,
user: {
include: {
auth: {
include: {
identities: {
// Including only the `providerName` and `providerUserId` fields
select: {
providerName: true,
providerUserId: true,

If you have some piece of the auth data that you want to access frequently (for example the username), it's best to store it at the top level of the User entity.

For example, save the username or email as a property on the User and you'll be able to access it without including the auth and identities fields. We show an example in the Defining Extra Fields on the User Entity section of the docs.

Getting Auth Data from the User Object

When you have the user object with the auth and identities fields, it can be a bit tedious to obtain the auth data (like username or Google ID) from it:

function MainPage() {
// ...
return (
<div className="tasks">
{ => (
<div key={} className="task">
{task.title} by {task.user.auth?.identities[0].providerUserId}

Wasp offers a few helper methods to access the user's auth data when you retrieve the user like this. They are getUsername, getEmail and getFirstProviderUserId. They can be used both on the client and the server.


It accepts the user object and if the user signed up with the Username & password auth method, it returns the username or null otherwise. The user object needs to have the auth and the identities relations included.

import { getUsername } from 'wasp/auth'

function MainPage() {
// ...
return (
<div className="tasks">
{ => (
<div key={} className="task">
{task.title} by {getUsername(task.user)}


It accepts the user object and if the user signed up with the Email auth method, it returns the email or null otherwise. The user object needs to have the auth and the identities relations included.

import { getEmail } from 'wasp/auth'

function MainPage() {
// ...
return (
<div className="tasks">
{ => (
<div key={} className="task">
{task.title} by {getEmail(task.user)}


It returns the first user ID that it finds for the user. For example if the user has signed up with email, it will return the email. If the user has signed up with Google, it will return the Google ID. The user object needs to have the auth and the identities relations included.

import { getFirstProviderUserId } from 'wasp/auth'

function MainPage() {
// ...
return (
<div className="tasks">
{ => (
<div key={} className="task">
{task.title} by {getFirstProviderUserId(task.user)}

Entities Explained

To store user's auth information, Wasp does a few things behind the scenes. Wasp takes your schema.prisma file and combines it with additional entities to create the final schema.prisma file that is used in your app.

In this section, we will explain which entities are created and how they are connected.

User Entity

When you want to add authentication to your app, you need to specify the userEntity field.

For example, you might set it to User:

app myApp {
wasp: {
version: "^0.14.0"
title: "My App",
auth: {
userEntity: User,
// ...

And define the User in the schema.prisma file:

model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
// Any other fields you want to store about the user

The User entity is a "business logic user" which represents a user of your app.

You can use this entity to store any information about the user that you want to store. For example, you might want to store the user's name or address.

You can also use the user entity to define the relations between users and other entities in your app. For example, you might want to define a relation between a user and the tasks that they have created.

You own the user entity and you can modify it as you wish. You can add new fields to it, remove fields from it, or change the type of the fields. You can also add new relations to it or remove existing relations from it.

Auth Entities in a Wasp App
Auth Entities in a Wasp App

On the other hand, the Auth, AuthIdentity and Session entities are created behind the scenes and are used to store the user's login credentials. You as the developer don't need to care about this entity most of the time. Wasp owns these entities.

In the case you want to create a custom signup action, you will need to use the Auth and AuthIdentity entities directly.

Example App Model

Let's imagine we created a simple tasks management app:

  • The app has email and Google-based auth.
  • Users can create tasks and see the tasks that they have created.

Let's look at how would that look in the database:

Example of Auth Entities
Example of Auth Entities

If we take a look at an example user in the database, we can see:

  • The business logic user, User is connected to multiple Task entities.
    • In this example, "Example User" has two tasks.
  • The User is connected to exactly one Auth entity.
  • Each Auth entity can have multiple AuthIdentity entities.
    • In this example, the Auth entity has two AuthIdentity entities: one for the email-based auth and one for the Google-based auth.
  • Each Auth entity can have multiple Session entities.
    • In this example, the Auth entity has one Session entity.
Using multiple auth identities for a single user

Wasp currently doesn't support multiple auth identities for a single user. This means, for example, that a user can't have both an email-based auth identity and a Google-based auth identity. This is something we will add in the future with the introduction of the account merging feature.

Account merging means that multiple auth identities can be merged into a single user account. For example, a user's email and Google identity can be merged into a single user account. Then the user can log in with either their email or Google account and they will be logged into the same account.

Auth Entity internal

Wasp's internal Auth entity is used to connect the business logic user, User with the user's login credentials.

model Auth {
id String @id @default(uuid())
userId Int? @unique
// Wasp injects this relation on the User entity as well
user User? @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
identities AuthIdentity[]
sessions Session[]

The Auth fields:

  • id is a unique identifier of the Auth entity.
  • userId is a foreign key to the User entity.
    • It is used to connect the Auth entity with the business logic user.
  • user is a relation to the User entity.
    • This relation is injected on the User entity as well.
  • identities is a relation to the AuthIdentity entity.
  • sessions is a relation to the Session entity.

AuthIdentity Entity internal

The AuthIdentity entity is used to store the user's login credentials for various authentication methods.

model AuthIdentity {
providerName String
providerUserId String
providerData String @default("{}")
authId String
auth Auth @relation(fields: [authId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

@@id([providerName, providerUserId])

The AuthIdentity fields:

  • providerName is the name of the authentication provider.
    • For example, email or google.
  • providerUserId is the user's ID in the authentication provider.
    • For example, the user's email or Google ID.
  • providerData is a JSON string that contains additional data about the user from the authentication provider.
  • authId is a foreign key to the Auth entity.
    • It is used to connect the AuthIdentity entity with the Auth entity.
  • auth is a relation to the Auth entity.

Session Entity internal

The Session entity is used to store the user's session information. It is used to keep the user logged in between page refreshes.

model Session {
id String @id @unique
expiresAt DateTime
userId String
auth Auth @relation(references: [id], fields: [userId], onDelete: Cascade)


The Session fields:

  • id is a unique identifier of the Session entity.
  • expiresAt is the date when the session expires.
  • userId is a foreign key to the Auth entity.
    • It is used to connect the Session entity with the Auth entity.
  • auth is a relation to the Auth entity.

Custom Signup Action

Let's take a look at how you can use the Auth and AuthIdentity entities to create custom login and signup actions. For example, you might want to create a custom signup action that creates a user in your app and also creates a user in a third-party service.

Custom Signup Examples

In the Email section of the docs we give you an example for custom email signup and in the Username & password section of the docs we give you an example for custom username & password signup.

Below is a simplified version of a custom signup action which you probably wouldn't use in your app but it shows you how you can use the Auth and AuthIdentity entities to create a custom signup action.

// ...

action customSignup {
fn: import { signup } from "@src/auth/signup.js",
entities: [User]
import {
} from 'wasp/server/auth'

export const signup = async (args, { entities: { User } }) => {
try {
// Provider ID is a combination of the provider name and the provider user ID
// And it is used to uniquely identify the user in your app
const providerId = createProviderId('username', args.username)
// sanitizeAndSerializeProviderData hashes the password and returns a JSON string
const providerData = await sanitizeAndSerializeProviderData({
hashedPassword: args.password,

await createUser(
// Any additional data you want to store on the User entity

// This is equivalent to:
// await User.create({
// data: {
// auth: {
// create: {
// identities: {
// create: {
// providerName: 'username',
// providerUserId: args.username
// providerData,
// },
// },
// }
// },
// }
// })
} catch (e) {
return {
success: false,
message: e.message,

// Your custom code after sign-up.
// ...

return {
success: true,
message: 'User created successfully',

You can use whichever method suits your needs better: either the createUser function or Prisma's User.create method. The createUser function is a bit more convenient to use because it hides some of the complexity. On the other hand, the User.create method gives you more control over the data that is stored in the Auth and AuthIdentity entities.